Billabong Looking To Buy Rip Curl

by The Editors on October 30, 2017

Maybe someone who understands how business works can explain why Billabong, the company that ran itself onto the rocks after paying way to much for way too many smaller companies would now, after beginning to claw their way back to open ocean, look at picking up Rip Curl, and an online retailer (Surfstitch) which they have already bought and sold once, according to a story in The Australian.

Anyone have any theories? Increased sales? Independent online retail looking up? Eliminate a competitor? Give money to their friends and former business associates?

TRON November 6, 2017 at 4:18 pm

Thats simple MO’ MONEY, MO’ PROBLEMS. I mean they have had a 80% staff turn over in the last 3 years. So why not turn over all the companies you own with other companies like the ones you just got rid of. Maybe they will finally let VZ get sold and buy SPY since they already brought over Michael Marckx

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