Drink Water Gets Up In Outside

by The Editors on June 21, 2013

Drink-Water-Snowboarding FeIt’s always good to see good people getting good coverage for doing good things. And when it comes to an industry that seems to enjoy bathing in energy drink money it’s always good to see Austin Smith and Bryan Fox preaching the Drink Water message.
Here is a bit from their recent Outside Online story:

The for-profit venture sells t-shirts, sweatshirts, reusable water bottles and a few other accessories. Ten percent of sales go to Water.org, an organization that develops clean water access and sanitation solutions in the developing world. (It was co-founded in 2009 by actor Matt Damon and engineer and entrepreneur Gary White.) . . . Drink Water isn’t putting a big dent in the global water crisis—last year it sent Water.org around $12,000 through sales and fundraising efforts—but it is setting a healthy example for kids. “We’re not the health cops, but I like the idea that people take the brand and use it as a way to think about what they’re consuming. If you want to keep doing active shit, you have to have a functional body,” says Fox.

We appreciate Drink Water because it makes kids think and hopefully it will help make at least a few athletes who take energy money think again.

[Link: Outside Online]

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