Big Bear War Of Rails? Seriously?

by The Editors on February 25, 2013


We don’t usually care about ski events, because, you know, it’s skiing. But this Under Armour War of Rails event at Bear Bear Mountain Resorts promo graphic kind of blew our minds.

It’s been less than a month since the Big Bear resorts were shut down as armed SWAT teams went door to door through Big Bear searching for rogue LA police officer and suspected murderer Christopher Jordan Dorner. It’s been a little over two weeks since Dorner died from a reportedly self-inflicted gunshot wound while the Big Bear cabin he was hiding in burned to the ground after an “accidental” fire set by law enforcement. And yet, none of this stopped Under Armour from rolling dead ahead with their guns, tanks, and ammo themed ski rail contest? Seriously?

War of Rails]

a February 25, 2013 at 7:59 pm

I’m fully off guns now. I’m going to denounce gun everything. Snowboard graphics, whatever. 2282 gun deaths since Newtown:

jerm February 25, 2013 at 8:47 pm

the war of rails event isnt new this year. its been going on for several years now and has been planned long before the dorner fiasco.

W.O.R February 25, 2013 at 11:03 pm

In defense of the event and its partners. War of Rails is on its 4th year with this same theme since day one. In no way are they mocking nor disrespecting the events that have occurred pertaining to C. Dorner, Police department and the Victims. I must point out upon reading your bias post makes me wonder if you would mention this if it was a snowboard event. By now this flyer has potentially reached millions online yet your post is the only one of its kind. The event will carry on with its theme just like it always has and will continue for years to come.

Kelvin February 25, 2013 at 11:44 pm

this is an incredible waste of anything relating to blogging or legitimate journalism. Whoever wrote this pathetic paragraph trying to relate it to “disturbing” recent events is poorly done and should go back to phoenix university.

bob February 27, 2013 at 8:07 am

Your a fucking idiot who ever wrote this articular i wish doner would have killed u

Diane February 27, 2013 at 9:40 pm

This article is truly ridiculous! It has nothing to do with the horrific accident that happened in the town. Talking smack about a contest and taking its marketing personally can suck it!

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