Volcom’s Newest Surf Video

by The Editors on September 19, 2012

In an innovative twist, the latest surf video from Volcom strays far afield from the formulaic action sports film genre and into completely new, uncharted artistic waters. The “creative short film,” titled Obscurite, features a scared, frantic, confused yet well dressed blonde woman running from something that we never see. Directed and produced by artist Mike Aho the film includes absolutely no skateboarding, surfing, or snowboarding. How French.

[Editors’ Note: Sorry, apparently, this new “creative short” is not a surf video, and is, in fact, a fashion video which was not intended to feature any action sports at all. We apologize for this misunderstanding.]

Monty September 19, 2012 at 9:04 pm

Mike Aho is pure genius. I love everything that dude does.

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