Tijuana River Sewage Spill Tastes Raspy

by The Editors on April 16, 2012

Knsd Major Sewage Spill Closes Beach 122911 59 Mezzn 722X406 2181791169A large sewage spill in San Diego County reportedly flowed right down the Tijuana River and into Imperial Beach on April 4, 2012 and no on notified anyone of the spill, according to a story on NBC San Deigo.

The spill was caused by a software malfunction in the treatment plant, an engineer for International Boundary and Water Commission told NBC San Diego. . . Raw sewage and runoff water spilled in the plant for three hours before any of the workers realized, the plant’s engineer said. . . The spill flooded parts of the plant’s system, which filters about 25 million gallons of Tijuana sewage. As a result of the sewage spill, the filtration system shut down, allowing that water to flow unfiltered into the Tijuana River.

Officials said they didn’t report the spill because the water that got out was “actually cleaner than the water that’s in the river,” county spokesman Gig Conaughton. No so said surfer and sewage taste tester Anthony Marsh. “It’s like a really raspy taste, and you could see the foam and the brown in the water.”

And that’s how hard IB surfers are. . .

[Link: NBC San Diego]

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