Youtube’s Action Sporting Channels All Set

by The Editors on January 12, 2012

On January 17, 2012 Goggle/Youtube’s latest attempt at channeling quality content to high paying advertisers will launch across the web.

In the action space we have The Ride Channel from Tony Hawk Inc. (above), Network A, a joint venture between Wasserman Media Group and a company called Bedrocket, and then there is The Red Bull Channel which will likely feature a collection of all those “wild, crazy, unbelievable” videos your grandparents are constantly forwarding to you from Red Bull Media House.

Each channel was reportedly given $1 million against a share of future advertising earnings. Not exactly bubble money, but not that bad either. Without going to deeply into the logic right now, we’ll just say that we’re not exactly bullish on the whole old-media “network channel” concept. We are, however, looking forward to The Weekend Buzz featuring Rob Brink and Erica Yary. It will be on The Ride Channel and it looks good.

Tate January 16, 2012 at 2:36 pm

i hope it’s not a bunch of “Trick Tips” and “Day in the life” videos

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