Tony Hawk Makes Page 6

by The Editors on March 15, 2011

Tony Hawk--300X300The New York Post has finally dropped in on the story that many have known for some time: that Tony Hawk left his third wife Lhotse Merriam for the wife of his long-time friend and business partner. Here’s what Page 6 had to say:

Sources said Merriam found out about her action-sport-star husband’s new relationship in December after she found a plane ticket for Cathy that Hawk had booked for her to join him in San Francisco — despite his being lifelong friends with [her husband].

Bummer all around. We did, however, have to laugh with the blog The Blemish who titled their post on this story, Tony Hawk Is Lazy.

[Link: New York Post and Fox News]

NigHeist March 15, 2011 at 9:02 pm

Cheating on his wife – with his best friend’s wife… What a fucking dick.

Curb Feeler March 16, 2011 at 8:21 am

What a piece of slit!!! Matt should knock you the fluck out. I hope Matt gets a piece of mind soon and tony crumbles to nothing. Don’t support any tony hawk products. You gone too far this time bony hawk. No respect at all KOOK!!!

yeah right March 16, 2011 at 4:20 pm

pretty lame of tony, but if you were married to matty then you also might cheat.

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