Where The Bloody Hell Is Mambo?

by The Editors on October 15, 2008


Beat-down Australian clothing brand Mambo is apparently hoping to relaunch itself back into the world of authentic surf with the help of Taj Burrow’s ex-girlfriend Cheyenne Tozzi and professional surfer Dayyan Neve, according to a story in Business Day .

Angus Kingsmill, who is part of a consortium that bought the brand in January, said the loud shirts that made the brand famous – but also contributed to it falling off the radar for trendy teens – would not make a comeback, though a modern incarnation of its farting dog T-shirt would. “We have to modernise the elements of music, art and humour but not walk away from them, as they are what made it great,” he said.

Sadly, the history of dead surf brand reanimation is loaded with mutilated corpses. Keith Curtain, publisher of the magazine Australian Surf Business, is right when he says that “the future success for Mambo will be rebuilding relationships with surf shops, door-by-door, brick-by-brick, sale-by-sale.” But the truth is it probably never will never make it back.

[Link: Business Day]

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