Kelly Clark Dominates X Games Halfpipe

by The Editors on January 30, 2011

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Kelly Clark, who hasn’t won an X Games gold medal for years, did everything she had to do last night to win (including a monstrous backside 10 in her final run). As it’s been so going so far this year, no one else even had a chance.

“It’s been an incredible night. To have a victory lap like that and set it down at the X Games is amazing,” Clark said. “I’ve been working on that for a long time and I couldn’t think of a better place for it to come together.”

Local favorite Gretchen Bleiler slammed on her first run and then sat on her next two, seemingly never able to get that first one out of her head. Kaitlyn Farrington was second, Elena Hight was third, follow the jump for results.

[Link: ESPN/Action]
1 Kelly Clark | Watch 92.33 50.00 83.00 92.33
2 Kaitlyn Farrington 85.66 40.00 78.00 85.66
3 Elena Hight 21.66 30.00 80.00 80.00
4 Soko Yamaoka 70.00 12.66 12.33 70.00
5 Queralt Castellet 67.66 60.66 21.33 67.66
6 Gretchen Bleiler 27.66 15.33 24.33 27.66

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