Guy Skateboards Across Three Continents

by The Editors on October 6, 2008

762299Whenever we hear about things like someone skateboarding around the world, or across the country we always have the same question: who would actually do something like that?

Then we see picture of the guy and usually it all makes sense.

Take New Zealander Rob Thomson for example. He has “skateboarded” 12,000 kilometers across three continents in the past 462 days and from his photo he looks like just the kind of guy who would do something like that. Doesn’t he? Wooo hoooo! Yeeeooow! Uuuh Huuh! That’s right!

Asked why he had undertaken the journey, Thomson said: “I struggle with that question sometimes as well.”. . . But the main reason was that he had wanted to push himself. “I took a couple of years of my life to put myself outside of my comfort zone,” he told National Radio. “I’ll take something away from that in my life to come to just keep trying to learn, to keep making sure I push myself past my comfort zone and continue to learn.”

That fact that he wasn’t doing it to raise money for charity makes it a little better, but come on.


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