Surfing Priests Bless The Waves At Huntington

by The Editors on October 6, 2008

SurfpriestIt’s difficult to take this kind of event seriously in light of the new Bill Maher film Religulous, however, we know surfing is a religion so why shouldn’t a bunch of priests wear robes down to the beach in Huntington and hold a ceremony in surf dude speak?

The occasion was the Blessing of the Waves, a spiritual — but at the same time decidedly lighthearted — event organized by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange. . . . One of the event’s organizers, Father Christian Mondor, helped kick off the proceedings by thanking God (or “The Big Kahuna,” as he also addressed him) for righteous waves and a killer ride for all the surfer babes and dudes assembled before him.

It’s always kind of sad when religion panders for popularity, isn’t it?

[Link: Associated Press]

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