Apple iPhone 4: The Industry In line

by The Editors on June 24, 2010

Carter Dinenna

If you’re trying to get any business done today it might not be a bad idea to head down to the local Apple Store. We’re guessing most of the industry (including Nixon Art Director Michael Carter and Nixon co-founder Chad DiNenna (above), and Bond Snowboarding’s Dan McNamara) is spending the morning on line for a new iPhone 4.

Imagine being the only one in a meeting this afternoon and not being able to throw down your new iPhone like a gauntlet. Oh, that would hurt.

mj June 24, 2010 at 9:41 am

how many people are in line there?

not me i swear June 25, 2010 at 5:06 pm

like waiting in line to jump off a cliff with the other lemmings. brainwashed hipster fags. How about those industry dudes just give me your skateboard, snowboard, and surfboard since you never use it PLUS the $300 you would spend on the new phone that does nothing interesting and we’ll call it a day.

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