Beautiful Losers In the LA Times

by The Editors on August 23, 2008

Aaron Rose

Aaron Rose is going the distance with the Beautiful Losers brand. There is no doubt about that. First it was an art show, then a traveling art show, and finally a film that continues to get more and more much deserved coverage as it rolls along. In a “special to The Times” Mark Olsen breaks down the story behind the film and the film itself.

Rose and his artists were navigating a terrain that could be seen as in opposition to the DIY ethos from which they emerged. With commercial success came claims of “selling out,” a watchword bandied about frequently during the ’90s. . . “I think corporations have changed since ‘selling out’ was such an issue,” said Rose. “Corporations have learned over the years, how to treat these alternative cultures.”

Of course, that’s probably not a bad thing to say when Nike Sportswear is “underwriting the theatrical release.”

[Link: LA Times]

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