New Oderus Urungus Pro Model

by The Editors on November 19, 2009

Gwar Brockie

GWAR lead singer Oderus Urungus (a.k.a. Dave Brockie) is apparently a hardcore shred who, like all of us, wanted a pro model. It appears that Sined Snowboards has given him one according to a post on the website:

That’s right, own a piece of rock and roll history with the very special limited edition (only 300 made) SINED/Dave Brockie snowboard. For those of you that don’t know it, Dave Brockie is one of the founding members of the grammy-nominated rock group band GWAR, and the malevolent mind and mouth behind GWAR’s supremely evil front-thing and FOX News intergalactic correspondent, ODERUS URUNGUS! But Brockie is much more…a writer (check out his blog at, an illustrator (check out his work at and an avid snowboarder! So when old buddy, huge GWAR fan, and ex-pro rider Ron Bureta got his own company going, the long-held idea of a Brockie snowboard finally became a reality.

The wait is finally over. . .

[Link: via]

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