Rob Machado Drifting Over North America

by The Editors on November 3, 2009


We like Rob Machado and his big, burly, curly locks, but from what we’ve heard we’re going to absolutely love him after we finally see The Drifter with a theater full of civilians. You probably will, too. Then we’ll all buy up an bunch of Hurley product and Nixon watches and feel satisfied and complete.

So just as a reminder: the tour kicks on at the world famous La Paloma Theatre in Encinitas, California on Wednesday, November 4, 2009. For for the rest of the dates and places click the link.

[Link: Nixon Now]

clarion castro November 4, 2009 at 10:01 pm

Word on the street is that The Drifter has a kicking soundtrack with heavies like The Shins, The Raconteurs and Bon Iver. Biggggg budget.

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