Surfer Rescues Philippine Typhoon Victims

by The Editors on September 29, 2009

JerichofloodPhilippine actor Jericho Rosales, of Manila has been surfing since 1999. So when Tropical Storm Ketsana caused flood waters to rise in his Quezon City tneighborhood he took action, according to a story on

“On my way back to my house, I saw my friend, asked me if I had transport and then he said they needed help because some kids were stuck in their houses,” he said. . . Rosales . . . rushed home to get his surfboards and some basketballs, then donned his vest, board shorts, and a rash guard. . . Lying flat on his surfboard and paddling over the flood waters, he and his friends were able to help some villagers and neighborhood dogs get to higher ground. . . In all, he said, he was able to rescue 2 dogs, an old woman, a lady, and a child. Rescued villagers, he said, were brought to higher ground within the village.

[Link: ABS-CBN News]

Ben October 5, 2009 at 4:34 am

Jericho, that was a very brave action rescuing needing people in time of flood using whatever available means you have. Sometimes, we need to think more orderly resulting to a better solution just like what you have done. May GOD bless you and your family always.

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