The WhoIsJOB Tweeter Comes Out

by The Editors on July 15, 2009

Chas SmithOne of our favorite Tweeters in the past few months has been @whoisJOB. For a while we mistakenly thought it might have been some ploy by’s Lewis Samuels to keep things even more interested for him on the North Shore, but today we find out that it is acutally’s Charlie Smith.

In a post titled “I Tweet Jamie” Smith writes:

Twitter is terribly retarded, unless you are famous. Then it is fun. Jamie O’Brien is just famous enough for fun and I have spent the last few months writing his tweets. It started slow. He was in Bali so I said things such as, “I am looking for a restaurant that serves breastmilk.” People responded less than favorably. “You are a sik fuk!” It built throughout my tenure. A month ago I wrote, “Bagels are donuts for fags” and felt very pleased with myself. People responded less than favorably. “Stop hatin!”

We kind of hope he keeps going. Don’t know what they will mean for Jamie O’Brien, but we’re guessing he can probably take care of himself.


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