A Conversation With David Benedek

by The Editors on April 29, 2009

For the rest of Jared Souneys compelling interview with one of snowboarding’s most progressive snowboarders both on and off snow. Oddly, at the end of the interview Benedek says something that Souney apparently missed: “You guys know how it is. Anything past the four minute mark and you just zone out.”
For the rest of David Benedek’s 14 minute conversation click the link.

[Link: YoBeat.com]

Souney April 29, 2009 at 4:45 pm

Hah…. sounds like you made it to the end. I wonder how many people will understand the sarcasm in leaving that one in there at the very end of the two pieces.

Hopefully people hang on.. he’s got some good shit to say.

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