April Fools or Biggest Wave Ever?

by The Editors on March 31, 2009

100Ft 200[April Fools Day Story 2009] Surfermag.com is reporting that Rusty Long and Grant “Twiggy” Baker have busted through the “100-foot barrier” on a wave off the coast of Chile’s Isla Alejandra Selkirk. And photographer Todd Glaser apparently got the shot (click here to see it bigger).

SURFER received the breaking news via satellite phone from Staff Photographer Todd Glaser, who accompanied the big-wave duo deep into the Pacific in hopes of scoring waves on what Glaser called “Chile’s Cortes Bank.”

They say video is on the way. So the big question: Is this real? Funny, that it would show up on April Fools Eve, no?

[Link: Surfermag.com]

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