Burning Down The Ramp

by The Editors on March 23, 2009

45743167.JpgLewis Smith, 45, of Orange City, Florida got so mad at the kids who were skateboarding on some ramps near his house that he burned them down, according to a story on WFTV.com.

The sheriff’s office says the man put the neighborhood near Orange City in danger and forced the county to divert firefighters already battling huge brush fires. The man admit he set the skateboard ramps on fire in the middle of this dirt road on 17th Street (see map), near Orange City, because he was fed up with kids playing on them so close to his home. . . Lewis Smith, 45, was booked into the Volusia County jail, but released Monday morning. He’s charged with criminal mischief, but Volusia County sheriff’s investigators said the minor damage he caused could’ve been far worse.

And we thought the Tampa Pro was the hottest skate event going on in Florida last weekend.

[Link: WFTV.com and Orlando Sentinel]

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