Scott Hulet Named Patron Saint of Surf Lit

by The Editors on November 20, 2024

Yes, occasionally it takes an outside view to show us how really great some of our own people are. Take Scott Hulet for example. We all know he is an amazing editor, writer, and all around proper surf journalist. Duh? And sure, he has a book out that collects some of his best writing about South of the border. But seeing it reviewed in an online literary journal makes it so much more meaningful. Doesn’t it?

Take for instance Florida man Dan Reiter’s review of Hulet’s Flow Violento on the literary site The Millions. Reiter says:

Over the past 25 years, the brightest and most consistent star in its constellation has been Scott Hulet. Equal parts T.S. Eliot, Hunter S. Thompson, and Jon Krakauer, Hulet stirs in wit, jazz-improvisational style, and a gift for aphorism (“Shoals are generally discovered by their victims”; “There’s something comforting about seeing a pirate at rest”) that has become manna to the waterman faithful. As both contributor and editor of the Journal, he has done perhaps more than anyone on the planet to elevate the corpus of surf writing.

Boom. How’s that? Pretty good company. Make you want to read it now? How about if Reiter calls Hulet the “patron saint of surf lit”? How about now? If you do, click here and space villain Jeff Bezos will send one directly to your door. And even if you don’t, at least click the link to read the rest of the review because boy, oh boy, does Dan Reiter love him some Hulet writing.

Ah, after all that we should probably point out that Reiter writes for The Surfer’s Journal (and Surfer and ESM at least once) so maybe. . . so maybe someone will write a glowing review of his book On A Rising Swell when it comes out in April 2025. Who knows?

[Link: The Millions]

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