DVS Saves Poythress From Atlanta Tornado

by The Editors on March 19, 2008

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Cullen Poythress, the new marketing manager at DVS Shoes is thanking Podium Distribution for moving him out to Cali when they did. Poythress, who previously worked for Surf Expo in Atlanta, moved out of his place one week to the day before the tornado destroyed his apartment at the Fulton Cotton Mills Lofts. “DVS saved my life,” Poythress said. “Literally.”
Poythress’ apartment window is the fourth from right in the bottom right hand corner of this Atlanta Journal-Constitution photo. “The tornado touched down on top of the place and ripped the whole roof off,” he said. “My new flat screen would’ve been laterd.”

As happy as he is with the new job, he’s also happy to have left the ATL. “We got out just in time,” he says. Now, lets just hope for no earthquakes.

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