Nidecker Buys Rome SDS, Low Pressure Studio

by The Editors on September 10, 2018

Cédric, Xavier and Henry Nidecker are the proud new owners of Rome SDS along with Low Pressure Studio (owners of Bataleon, Lobster and Switchback), according to a story on That’s taking a pretty big munch out of the market for sure.

According to Low Pressure director Dennis Dusseldorp Rome SDS will join Bataleon, Lobster and Switchback as part of Low Pressure Studio which will continue to be run from Amsterdam while Rome SDS creative, R&D and design will stay in Waterbury, Vermont, USA.

“Actually there are not too many changes,” Dusseldorp says. “The way we are set up is that in Vermont we keep the Rome SDS office for branding, product, marketing and sales. Rome SDS founders Josh Reid and Paul Maravetz will drive the Design Syndicate from their home turf. Operations for North America will move to Low Pressure Studio office in Seattle. I’ll be heading Low Pressure Studio’s HQ from Amsterdam and our current Low Pressure Studio team welcomes several of the key Rome Europe crew to our office in Amsterdam.”

So for those keeping track, Nidecker now owns Yes, Jones, Now, Nidecker, Flow, Rome, Bataleon, Lobster, and Switchback. Soon everything will be owned by one company. And that will suck.


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