Andy Mueller Does The LA Marathon

by The Editors on February 29, 2008

La MarathonWe all know him from his work with Girl and Lakai, but designer Andy Mueller has been doing some bigger projects lately, most notably all the illustration work for the print and outdoor advertising campaign for the 2008 Los Angeles Marathon. Creativity interviewed Andy as well as RPA copywriter Eric Helin and senior art director Nathan Crow about the campaign.

We wanted to try to come up with about 10 solid L.A. based locations that could get up and run (or ride a bike for the Bike Ride portion on this event). I drew up these 10 roughs, and we then narrowed it down to the six strongest visual locations. . . I think the simple drawing approach works really well with this idea. It gets to the meaning without too much stylist interference. I also think the simplicity allows people of all ages and skill levels to relate to the Bike Tour and Marathon. It’s a very involvement-based sort of message, not just one person from a certain neighborhood or area running, but rather everybody running. It’s very warm and friendly.

For the rest of the interview click the link.

[Link: Creativity Online]

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