Maroubra Surfer Trades Blows With Shark

by The Editors on February 7, 2009

0,,6476437,00Durwin Keg, 41, of Maroubra Beach, Australia was surfing Cellito beach on the north coast of New South Wales when he saw something dark beneath him, according to a story in the Herald Sun.

“Straight away I knew it was a shark. He was just sitting under there watching me. . . I knew it was after me,” he said. “I started moving and I could see him going behind me.” Moments later it struck with all its force into Mr Keg’s board. . . .Screaming to his mates to get out of the surf, he began wildly throwing punches at the shark which eventually moved off.

Keg was surprised that he escaped completely unscathed. Maybe that whole “punch ’em in the nose” thing really does work.

[Link: Herald Sun]

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