Massive Photo Look-back At Denver SIA Show

by The Editors on January 29, 2015

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We’re not in Denver, Colorado this week for the 2015 Snow Industries of America Show. In fact, we haven’t attended the Denver show since January 2013. Why? The most simple reason is that it’s easier not to go, but the truth may be that like many other companies who are skipping this year (Burton, Mervin, etc. . . ) our SIA cost-to-benefit ratio had been sliding for years.

Seeing as this is SIA Season (not to mention Throw-back-Thursday), join us as we look back on all the people, parties, products, and booths that we’ve covered over the past few years. Here’s the breakdown:

2013: People, Products, Booths
2012: People, Parties, Products, Booths
People, Products, Booths
2010: People, Parties, Products, Booths
2009: Day 1, 2009 TWS Rider’s Poll

Now that we’re all teary eyed, lets ask one question: has anything changed, progressed, or improved? If so, please let us know.

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