Out In The Lineup Needs A Little Help

by The Editors on December 2, 2013

The producers of Out In The Lineup, a documentary film on surfers who are gay, are raising money to complete their project on Kickstarter. They’re hoping to raise AUS$30,000 and with 11 days left they need only AUS$3,000 more to get it done.

OUT in the line-up is a feature documentary about two gay surfers, David and Thomas, who set off on a global journey to uncover the taboo of homosexuality in surfing. They travel from Australia to Hawaii, California, Mexico and the Galapagos Islands to speak with people from all corners of the surfing community, from former world champions through to everyday surfers. Stories of fear, isolation and self-doubt emerge alongside ones of hope, self-empowerment and transformation. As their journey unfolds, Thomas and David are inspired to promote change within the existing culture by looking to surfing’s grassroots values of freedom of spirit, open-mindedness and love for the ocean.

If you’d like to help them finish their film, click the link and do what you can.

[Link: Out In The Lineup]

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