ASR 09: It’s Smaller But It’s Good

by The Editors on January 22, 2009


We’re not saying that this is all of the January ASR Show, but it certainly is most of it. The space felt really small, but the mood was actually up considering the economy. It may not look like it, but there were quite a few people in the isles.

Follow the jump to view more photos from the floor the morning of day one.
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Mitchie Brusco, 11, and 9-year-old Tom Schaar were slaying the indoor Megaramp and making everyone who skates feel really, really old. We were scared just standing on the drop in.

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Hanger 94’s Julie and Milo Myers discuss sending their daughter off the Megaramp.

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The International Association of Spending Consumers: Sole Tech’s Don Brown and IASC’s Laurie Bergthold.

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The Lost Girls suggested an energy drink. . . you know, to keep up with the show.

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Van’s Steve Van Doren dug up a 12 year old photo of World Industries’ RP Bess just to embarrass him in front of his friends.

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Q: Are We Not Handsome Men? A: We Are Globe’s Michael Marckx and Transworld Business Publisher Rob Campbell.

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The Berrimetric Pressure is rising: Steve Berra and Jason King spreading the Berric’s message. With four million unique visitors last month they are far and away the largest skateboarding website in the world. Crazy, huh?

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We followed our path to iPath and Tim Swart.

When Steve Van Doren wasn’t on the heckle program he was making these tasty waffle soles. Best food at the show.

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We have to give Volcom an A for keeping the dream alive. This year’s flavor. . . Cracker Heaven.

Eric Busboom January 22, 2009 at 7:13 pm

Looks like you got a shot of the Volcom booth between Hee-Haw shows. During a show it was packed with off-key musicians playing banjos and people tossing toilet seats. It was a bit hard to see how that related to action sports, but it was fun.

And why aren’t the Van’s waffles in the shape of a shoe?

Jolie January 28, 2011 at 5:35 pm

I know Julie and Milo. I’m good friends with their daughter. They last name is Myers not Meyers.

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