Stoked Mentoring Helps Clean-up Rockaway

by The Editors on November 14, 2012

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Stoked Mentoring rounded up a large group of surfers and friends and spent last Saturday (November 10, 2012) helping to clean up at Beach 67 Street in Rockaway Park, according to a story on The Local.

High school students, volunteers and organizers — all members of the Stoked Mentoring non-profit family — descended on the beach community with cleaning supplies, tools and hundreds of meals in lieu of longboards, working through the day to bring relief to the residents of their favorite surf spot. . . “We have a relationship with Far Rockaway. We’re the first and only non-profit to take kids surfing in Rockaway,” said Mr. Larosiliere, known to many as “Stoked Steve.”

Stoked. Click the link for the rest of the story.

[Link: The Local]

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