A Dad’s $1,000 Snowboard Thief Bounty

by The Editors on December 27, 2008

Don’t mess with Seany McDonald’s dad. When someone stole the 21-year-old University of Colorado student’s snowboard from the front porch (where he’d left it out over night) Dad called up The Aspen Times and offered a $1,000 bounty on whomever stole the board.

“I don’t want the snowboard back, necessarily,” said Bob McDonald, who is moving here from Newport Beach, Calif. “I just want the name and photograph of the Grinch who stole our son’s Christmas. … I want to challenge his community, his cronies, to say, hey, that was wrong. I’m hoping someone will turn him in.”

We hate crime and all but maybe Bob should just buy his son another board and remind him that it’s not a good idea to leave $900 laying around out in the front yard. . . even in Aspen, Colorado.

[Link: Aspen Times]

Jack December 27, 2008 at 2:47 pm

Good stuff, I really like the idea of not worrying about getting the snowboard back, but putting pressure on those who steal boards. For those who work hard to buy new equipment, it’s unfair for someone else to ruin your season just because they liked the board.

Matty December 29, 2008 at 6:19 am

“McDonald said his son, Seany, 21, is a student at the University of Colorado and ‘not a rich kid.'”

Any family that can afford to own a house in Aspen inherently has rich kids. Sorry. I pay for my gear, and I’ll get kicked out of any resort before I let my gear leave my eye…unless it’s in a resort-run board check.

So, morale of the story:
Son to dad – I’ll cover your dumb mistake with a $1,000 bounty. Great lesson, dad.

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