Da Hui and Quik Spread Christmas Cheer

by The Editors on December 24, 2008


Da Hui and Quiksilver got together December 23, 2008 to bring a little holiday joy to the kids at the Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women & Children, according to a story in the Honolulu Advertiser.

Top contemporary competitors such as Makua Rothman, Kala Alexander and Myles Padaca (pictured above with Julian Rimm) plus past competitors like Tom Pohaku Stone, Mel Pu’u and Bryan Amona were among the dozen surf industry people from Da Hui and Quiksilver to spread cheer and good wishes . . . Quiksilver and Da Hui brought surf poster, caps, T-shirts and goody bags filled with candy, stickers, key chains and gifts for each child. The surfers autographed posters, took photographs with the children and gave them words of encouragement.

It’s great that Da Hui could time a little time out from regulating duties to spread some holiday happiness.

[Link: Honolulu Advertiser]

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