Is Quiksilver Setting DC Free?

by The Editors on December 22, 2008

Quik DcBob McKnight, Joe Scirocco, Bruce Thomas, and Marty Samuels covered a lot of ground in last week’s conference call, but there was one topic that they didn’t go over: the rumor that Quiksilver is actively negotiating the sale of DC Shoes.

This rumor has gained momentum lately most likely because the deal seems to make sense. On the conference call DC was repeatedly spoken of as a bright spot in Quiksilver’s brand portfolio. If Quik could unload DC Shoes for somewhere in the $700 million range, that would go a long way toward covering the company’s $1 billion debt. It would also allow Quiksilver to get back to basics with its core business after spending a couple years running the whole expansion thing into the ground. Not to mention it being a relief to many DC employees who believe all their hard work is being blown by bad business decision at the mothership. It probably wouldn’t hurt the company’s stock price, either.

So far no “official word” on the sale.

pay me December 22, 2008 at 2:57 pm

While selling DC might seem like a short-term solution because it could raise a lot of cash, it seems like a bad long-term decision. DC creates positive cash flow and is a perfect complement to the Quik business in a number of ways with essentially no cannibalization. In my opinion, if they have any other options to get their debt situation taken care of, they would be stupid to sell DC.

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