New “Invention” For Handling A Skateboard

by The Editors on August 20, 2012

Since the first skateboard, kids have all tried something similar. We used an old inner tube as a strap to help us jump, Skyhooks used plastic, and Paul Hackett used velcro “Suspenders” to air out of a pool for his September 1977 cover of Skateboarder Magazine. Now, Kevin Rains, a father who doesn’t skateboard, has come up with his own kind of ollie cheaters called Krainkn, according to a story on Business News Daily.

After researching existing products and even registered patents, Rains, who was working in the mortgage business at the time, discovered there was nothing out there like what he had in mind. Rains envisioned a set of handles that would attach to the skateboard or snowboard with flexible tubing and allow the user to hold onto something while learning to maintain their balance.

Why is it that bad skateboarding ideas just keep reappearing year after year after year? Sometimes it’s just so sad. Especially when it’s on Kickstarter and no one is funding.

[Link: Business News Daily]

GoGorilla August 22, 2012 at 10:39 am

Sick! Now I can get rid of my rollerblades…

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