New Publication Surfs The Paper Seas

by The Editors on April 9, 2012

Paper Sea

Seeing as print media is all the rage lately, Andy Summons, Tom Batrouney, and Andrew Diprose decided they’d like to jump on board with a new surf print publication. The result–a 224 page quarterly “book” called Paper Sea, according to a story in The Australian.

Distancing themselves from the stereotypical surf story about rad dudes with blond hair and shark tooth necklaces, Paper Sea Quarterly caters to the wider surfing and artistic community, unearthing an edgy world of street art, design, photography, hip hop and of course, surfing. “We’re not just interested in the world’s top 44 surfers, we’ve got guys who work in retail, in cafes, but they surf incredibly and they’re interesting people with incredible stories,” Paper Sea photo editor Tom Batrouney said. . . “There is nothing on the market that’s similar to it. There are surf magazines aimed at surfers that are only interested in surfing, which makes up a very small percentage of surfers,” he said. . . Batrouney says every time someone calls their 224-paged tribute to surfing, art and style a magazine he dies a little inside. . . “It kills me every time I hear that word, it in no way resembles a magazine, it’s 2.5cm thick.”

Sounds a little like Mike Ballard’s The Skatebook (RIP) only for surfers. Hopefully this works out a little better than that.

[Link: Paper Sea via The Australian]

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