Scotty Wittlake vs. Energy Drinks

by The Editors on March 22, 2012

BuoLoco tracked down Scotty Wittlake to get his view on energy drinks in the action sports space. Wittlake, while worried about upsetting people with his views, put down his straight truth:

“I don’t mean anything negative toward people who ride or work for energy drinks,” Wittlake said. “But for me personally it’s almost a metaphor for everything that I disagree with in the world. The environmental impact, the mass marketing to kids to consume things they don’t need and they are mass marketing something that is nutritionally detrimental to kids health and everyone health. . . It’s every thing that I hate. And these days they completely co-oped boardsports in general. You can’t watch a snowboard video online that doesn’t start with a big monster logo. They’ve just worked their way into board sports and now there is so much money that they own snowboarding. “

Can’t say we heard anything from Mr. Wittlake that we didn’t agree with. Watch the video. You’ll like Scotty more and energy drinks less. And that’s great.

[Link: Buoloco]

yo-k March 22, 2012 at 8:09 pm

dane reynolds walked away from a big moster contract for the same reasons

Ken March 22, 2012 at 10:16 pm

I gotta say I agree 100% …BUT “action sports” and the riders let it happen. Who pays athletes more? Who gives the magazines the money that gets them to their stupid goals? Who sponsors all the events so these guys can compete and get coverage? It’s really a fucking joke when you think about what’s happening to action sports. Anyway, that’s my two cents.

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