ABC Ambushes Tony Hawk About Worker Safety

by The Editors on March 22, 2012

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Over the past five years 500 workers have been killed in fires at garment factories in Bangladesh. Last year a fire reportedly swept through a factory that made Hawk Clothing for Kohl’s killing 29 people. ABC News used this as an opportunity to ambush Tony Hawk at a skatepark opening to see if he thought celebrity clothing endorsers should keep closers tabs on the safety of workers in the factories that make the clothes that carry their names.

“It’s tragic,” Hawk told ABC News. “I think that the safety standards need to change and I support whatever change that they can make there. . . I definitely want to follow up and make sure that it’s safe. I mean that’s the bottom line, it has to be safe.”

Nice work, Tony. Kind of a cheap shot from ABC News who obviously knows that every single thing American’s consume in mass quantities is made offshore in factories where people are paid next to nothing. But hey, celebrities sell news, right?

[Link: ABC News]

NigHeist March 23, 2012 at 9:22 pm

The upside to having the factory workers who make your clothes being burned alive is that it gives people who’ve been slagging on you for cheating on your spouse with your best friends wife something else to talk about.

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