Girl Nabs Sheckler’s Family Jewels?

by The Editors on March 16, 2012

Sheckle GemIn the classic story of celebrity wackness, TMZ is reporting that Ryan Sheckler filed a police report on February 27, 2012 accusing friend Stacy Salazar (a women he was planning on “spending the night with” at the Las Vegas Palms Hotel) of running off with $100,000 of his jewels.

Ryan claims he fell asleep but was awakened by the sound of his door closing. He then noticed Stacy was no longer in his room. A few hours later he noticed his jewelry was missing — a Rolex watch valued at $12,500, a gold/diamond bracelet worth $14,975, a diamond and white gold ring ($63,275) and a diamond necklace of unknown value. . . Ryan called the cops, who took a report.

Salazar told police that she was being set up by one of Sheckler’s “childhood friends,” according to the story. Police arrested her anyway. Oddly, we thought two things: why roll with that much bling? And, isn’t Sheckles on the Nixon team? Oh, and girls looking to rip off more of his stuff should check out a profile of his house in the New York Times.

[Link: TMZ and New York Times]

Mt. Crunksuvious March 16, 2012 at 3:57 pm

Anybody remember slappying curbs while wearing chuck taylors with holes in them and having the time of your life?
Welcome to the NBA Shecks.

LumberJackJibber March 16, 2012 at 5:24 pm

i was just going to say something to same extent-remember when skateboarding was about skateboarding?

give me a fucking break on the human bedazzler shit. i hope she chucked them into an overpass..

7ply not gold ply.

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