Youtube Action Channel Tote Board

by The Editors on March 15, 2012

Images-8It’s been two months since the official launch of Youtube’s new “channel strategy.” As it hasn’t changed our viewing habits, nor improved our Youtube experience in any way we were curious to see how the channels were doing. Using the numbers reported on the channels main pages we lined them all up.

Just for fun, we threw Transworld.TV in the mix just to see how a site that didn’t get $1 million dollars of start up capital was faring against the Google funded players. We also factored in the potential total revenue (shared between Youtube and the channel) generated by the channels views based on the oft quoted “quality content” CPM of $20.

Here’s how they stack up:

                            Subs          Views      Revenue
Redbull Media House      386,626    259,389,937   $5,187,798
Alli Sports               28,240     10,134,195     $202,683
Transworld TV             10,526      5,470,641     $109,412
Ride Channel              32,329      4,164,433      $83,288
Network A                 28,320      1,951,528      $39,030

*Note: this is not a scientific comparison and should be used for
entertainment purposes only for all kinds of reasons including the
fact that some channels have been up much longer than others. 

There is money in this game, but it seems that few of the channels (aside from Redbull) have created anything that has “gone viral.” And when you compare these channels to something like the Philip Defranco Show which has 2 million subscribers and 825 million views so far it suggests that sitting someone in front of a camera in a studio with some clever writing is a much more efficient use of funding than sending a production team around the world chasing board riders. But don’t let that stop you, you action content producers you.

ocdc March 15, 2012 at 11:44 am

I wonder how that $20 cpm is split? Our experience is that the cpm’s are pretty low…

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