99 Bottles Of Beer On A Tampa Wall

by The Editors on December 3, 2008

Arts Feature1-1 38

It’s tomorrow night, it kicks off the Tampa Am. It’s the Annual Welcome to Tampa Art Show and Party. This year coming as a shock to no one the art part of the party is about beer. Here’s the word from Creative Loafing.

The exhibit, playfully dubbed 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall, is the brainchild of Chad Cardoza, a local artist who’s been a player in some of the year’s most engaging art offerings. . . The collection of approximately 99 bottles — produced by roughly half as many artists — will go on display at the Skatepark’s recently revamped snack bar during the party. Cardoza expects each piece to sell for about $40, though some may be priced higher or lower, making the bottles an affordable entrĂ©e to collecting art.

The bottles shown were painted by Jimbo Phillips, Mike Aho, Durke Schmidt, Travis Millard, Ky Baker, Don Pendleton (two red and white abstract bottles), Mike Le Merde and Jennifer Alfonso. It almost makes us want to blow a Southwest free ticket and fly out for the art show and check out the Tampa Am on the side. The Castle is calling.

Thurs., Dec. 4, 8 p.m., Skatepark of Tampa, 4215 E. Columbus Drive, Tampa, (813) 621-6793,

[Link: Creative Loafing]

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