SIA Show 2012 Photo Blow Out Final

by The Editors on January 29, 2012

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[Update: 9 AM, January 29, 2012: Product, People, Party, and Booth photos just updated.}

Day two of the 2012 SIA Show in Denver began with sunshine and partly cloudy skies, but by 10:30 AM Downtown Denver was engulfed in a classic mid-winter snowstorm making getting to the show a lot more like getting to the lifts. But it is the Snow Show, right?

On day two the mood of the show began to make itself more known. Traffic is definitely down in the aisles. Booths that last year were a non-stop parties are quiet and business-like. The parties that last year required pushing, shoving, and friend calling to get in were casual walk-ins this year.

While those at the show are doing business and brand reps have been busy showing lines, a snowless December really did its damage to the shops. As one retailer told us, “Fall was great. But December was terrible. January is right back to normal, but we’ll never be able to make up for December.”

An overall mood of caution seemed to hover over every discussion and it seems that trickled down to the parties as well. That said, the slight drop in hype made everything that much easier to negotiate.

We’ll continue to add more images to these galleries, so check back often for updates. For live updates during the day be sure to follow us on Instagram @Boardistan or Twitter @boardistan or on Facebook.

Click the links to view the most recently updated galleries: The Parties, The People, The Product, The Booths.

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