Casanova Gets The Hometown Treatment

by The Editors on November 20, 2008

A-Nova-1.SignThere’s nothing better than a profile in the hometown paper. Take this profile of professional snowboarder Mike Casanova in the Hudson Star Observer for example: the writer’s shameless exuberance is so refreshing. . .

So as a kid, did Mike Casanova ever imagine that he’d be the snowboarding equivalent of a rock star at age 23? . . .Oh, full-blown dream,” he said without hesitation. “I remember sitting there watching videos at my friend Matt Haynie’s house. He would always get all the new (snowboarding) videos. So we would go over to his house and drink Yoo-Hoo chocolate milk and just sit there and geek out watching video after video after video — just talking about all the tricks we wanted to learn.”

We understand completely. He’s a hometown hero to all of us.

[Link: Hudson Star Observer]

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