Vans Teases The Tablets With OTW TV

by The Editors on October 4, 2011

Vans Otw IpadWhile we still don’t believe we’ve ever seen anyone under 45 using an iPad in the wild (fie to you obnoxious moms using iPads to snap photos of your kids at the beach), apparently Vans has. Why else would they put the time and effort into creating their new Off the Wall TV iPad app? Here’s what they say about it:

Off the Wall TV iPad app, delivers Vans’ video network of exclusive, original action sports, music, art and street culture programming to millions of iPad users around the world. . . [users are] now able to enjoy anywhere with the easy to use app.

The app (which is free in the iTunes store) features all the content from the website. So, the next time you’re over at you aunt’s house, grab her iPad and load this thing up. It’s probably pretty cool. Not that we’d know.

[Link: iTunes Store via Shop-Eat-Surf]

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