Russell Winfield Interviews Terje Haakonsen

by The Editors on June 29, 2011

20080210 Bankedsl Haakonsen 0001-2-2Leave it to Yobeat to pull together one of the most interesting interviewer/interviewee match-ups in snowboarding: OG slope jibber Russell Winfield and legend Terje Haakonsen. Here’s a small taste of what Terje is talking about these days:

Well right now as far as I’m concerned Travis rice Is the best snowboarder in the world but people don’t know because main stream media is focused on the big contests and only relates to the results of them. Another thing about snowboard contests is there are too many organizations and too many contests. It’s actually more of a mess than boxing. The losers are the progression of the sport and the top riders. They have too many contests and don’t know which ones to enter. I think it is real tough for these contest riders. They do too many contests and get hurt because it is just too hard hard on the body. If they don’t take care of themselves they will have a short career.

For the entire interview click the link.

[Link: Yobeat]

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