The Fletchers: Surfing Is The Family Business

by The Editors on June 17, 2011

Fathers-Day-Family-Business-Herbie-Christian-Nathan-Greyson-Fletcher.6567355.40Writer Chasen Marshall, the former editor of Longboard Magazine, dropped by the Astrodeck headquarters in San Clemente, California to check in on the “First Family of Surfing” for the OC Weekly and here’s a little of what he had to say about their time with the Fletchers.

Nearly 20 years after its anointment as such in an Esquire cover feature, the First Family of Surfing remains original. It has grown and diversified, but at its core, the Fletchers are still a surfing family: Grandpa Walter was a big-wave pioneer; Herbie, now 58, is a surf legend and still surfs Lowers; and his sons are surfing innovators. They’ll talk about the past—tell you where they’ve been, about the drugs they’ve taken, describe the mistakes they’ve made, all without a hint of reverence or regret.

If you’ve been wondering what Herbie, Dibi, Christian, Nathan, and Greyson have been up to lately, click the link for the rest of the story.

[Link: OC Weekly]

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