Shark Chomps NSW Surfer’s Forearm

by The Editors on March 23, 2011

024433-Shark-Attack-VictimSurfer Dave Pearson, 48, was surfing New South Wales’ Austalia’s Crowdy Head at about 6:30 PM when he was hit by a three-meter shark, according to a story in the Daily Telegraph.

The Coopernook local had been swimming in the rough surf for several hours before the beast attacked him – severing his arm and causing lacerations to his face. . . Crowdy Beach Surf Life Saving caretaker Adam Eady was one of the first on the scene to help Mr Pearson when his friends brought him to shore. . . “He was very lucky to come away from that without serious injuries. . . “The shark bit through his board – if it hadn’t of been there it would have ripped him in half.”

Experts say the shark that hit Pearson was most likely a bull shark. It was the second attack in the area in a week, according to the story.

[Link: Daily Telegraph]

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