Surfer Hit Midcutback By Shark?

by The Editors on March 14, 2011

Surfboard T325Byron Bay, Australia surfer Prem Puri had just dropped in on a perfectly little right and was setting up for cutback when something hit the tail of his board and stopped him dead in the water, according to a story in the Northern Star.

“I didn’t see what it was, but there are definitely no rocks or anything around there where I was surfing,” he said. . . “I was doing a bottom-turn and something hit me and threw me off – it had to be something big.”

When he came up the tail of his board was broken off and his foot was in pain. He’s still not exactly sure what exactly chomped him, but from the photographic evidence it looks an awful lot like the work of the gray suits, doesn’t it?

[Link: Northern Star]

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