Sophia Bush Goes Down

by The Editors on January 22, 2008

Glory28010506We’ve never heard of her before, but apparently Sophia Bush, star of a show called One Tree Hill fell down and went boom during a snowboard trip to Whistler earlier in the month. Though she was warned by her instructor not to let her stuntman friends take her down anything too serious, she didn’t listen.

“I went up to Whistler with a couple of guys from work – one of our stunt guys, Paul Johannson, and James Lafferty. And (reality TV star) Stephen Colletti was supposed to come with us, but he’d really hurt his shoulder the week before. So he’s going, ‘Be careful, it’s really icy because it’s so cold. Don’t fall.’ “I’m like, ‘I’m not going to hurt myself!’ Cut to me laying in this pile on the mountain and I landed just on my knee.

Hopefully, someone was there to kiss it and make it better.

[Link: PR-Inside]

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