Priest Gets PhD In Snowboarding

by The Editors on March 3, 2011

Anglican Priest, the Rev. Neil Elliot, from Trail, British Columbia, has reportedly just completed his thesis for a PhD in Snowboarding (or as he calls it “soulriding”) from Kingston University in London England, according to a story on The Spec.

“It’s the first PhD in snowboarding at all, so it’s pretty unique,” said Elliot. “It gave me an excuse to get out and participate in a sport I love and it provided me with a framework to examine human spirituality.” . . . An ordained priest with a master’s degree in theology and Islamic studies, Elliot decided to undertake his doctorate in the sociology of religion at the secular Kingston University in London, England. . . He wanted to get away from theology and look “at what’s happening on the ground and the kind of stuff you can actually measure.”

We’ve heard of some pretty big stretches before, but this may be the most evolved excuse to go snowboarding we’ve ever heard. We’ve read the story twice and still have no idea what Rev. Elliot is talking about.

[Link: The Spec]

terrencejohn March 4, 2011 at 8:45 am

I worship on the slopes. I’m closer to God you when I ride deep pow.

Rev Dr Elliot March 6, 2011 at 9:30 am

PhD in Snowboarding = best way to get a new life in the mountains *ever*

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