Argento’s 50th Place FIS PGS Finish

by The Editors on December 20, 2010

Actu 150 Homepicture VignetteaboutYork, Pennsylvania is very proud of one of their local snowboarders.

Apparently, a 16-year-old Ezio Argento (not pictured right) competed in Parallel GS at the recent FIS Snowboarding World Cup in Telluride, according to a story titled Local Snowboarder 50th In World Cup Snowboard Event in the York Dispatch.

Argento finished 50th out of the 51 snowboarders who qualified in the event. . . Argento is enrolled in cyber school in order to devote more time to his snowboarding career.

Looks like all that cyber schooling is finally beginning to pay off for young Ezio.

[Link: York Dispatch]

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