Gretchen Bleiler Over The Halfpipe

by The Editors on December 8, 2010

Oly G Bleiler B1 576Using her new ESPN Women blog as her launch pad Gretchen Bleiler has announced that she is eliminating “most of the halfpipe competitions from [her] schedule this season.”

Just as the decision I made in high school wasn’t easy, this one isn’t, either. Competing in the halfpipe is what I know and love, and what I’ve been great at for the past 10 years, which is exactly why it’s time to forge into this new territory. It’s time to learn and time to grow. Seeing snowboarding differently, seeing the mountain differently, and riding with creativity and style — that’s my new goal.

Sometimes the transition from athlete to spokesmodel can be difficult, especially when sponsors’ memories for why they sponsored athletes in the first place seems so short these days.

[Link: ESPN W (you know, it’s like for Women)]

steam donkey December 8, 2010 at 8:58 am

shaun white should do this too, and become a recluse powder ripper, and occasionally show up and vert contests

DeadMund December 9, 2010 at 7:11 am

‘Bout time, Bleiler. Halfpipe is getting more and more jock-like every year.

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